
Well, you are my first choice, of course, in an ideal world, but I have so much to do it’s hard to choose what to choose.

Uppermost right now is Blog, of course. But I have things to do for my new book, including blurbs and meetings about it for some gigs I hope to do, and a plan for a presentation to Ryerson University for the Over 50 section for a new Literary Talks series it is launching in January with me as the first speaker. Matt is coming, of course, for physio (we go to the gym and kick a bit) and dinner, Saturday and Sunday and I give him good Weight Watchers meals to help him lose weight (he has lost TEN pounds — yea!). And I have to finish the newsletter for the INLNA (Icelandic National League of North America), for which I am editor. And then of course, there’s Christmas.

And money, or lack of. That’s a constant theme for almost everyone, isn’t it?

I’ve started baking small Friendship Breads for gifs. And I’ll check the catalogues for Third World gifts ( e.g. mosquito nets and baby blankets for my great grandchildren and hygiene supplies for my granddaughters plus stocked schoolrooms to include my grandsons (though I haven’t heard from one of them for years), and chickens, cows or goats for my grown children.

In any case—money again—I have to wait until the new month when I get paid (RRIF and other things, never enough), to buy it all.

But — top of the order—I have to rewrite a new/old screenplay this weekend. I have a skimpy draft but I have a generous Beat Sheet, so I’ll work from that.

And that’s why I am not writing a blog today.