I seem to be loaded down with imperatives now—too many arrows—and not just arrows. My lists now are not mere bullets. They are highlighted with NBs, circles, boxes and underlines. Here and there something is ticked off with a check-mark, blessed check-mark, rare and comforting.
It’s all good stuff. There’s just too much of it.
And I run out of energy before I run out of to-do’s.
Like right now. I’m going to bed. Good night.
That’s another thing I meant to discuss. One of the reasons I love naps, aside from the fact that I NEED them, is that they are so simple. I just go and lie down with a blanket. Not like bedtime. Then I have to undress and put clothes away, wash my face, brush my teeth, put stuff on my face, get an extra blanket to be handy in case I get cold, oh, and turn the heat down. Too many prelims.
I’m going to bed now, but it’ll be a while….