an angel on the streets of toronto

Dear Josie,

 We just met on Friday but you are my very dear friend, and this blog is for you.

It was my son Matthew's birthday and I was taking him to a Japanese restaurant for dinner to celebrate his day.  I had checked the location and the menu and the price list and made a reservation. I planned to meet Matt to meet at the Davisville subway station and proceed from there to our dinner together.  I thought I knew what I was doing.

I didn't.  The Davisville station is not  at Mount Pleasant Road, but at Yonge Street, 2 long blocks east of Davisville. I'm new in the area, just moved 4 months ago to a Retirement Residence at Balliol and Mount Pleasant. I'm now in a place with assisted living and I do need assistance, especially when with all my plans, I don't know where I'm going.

I thou ght I had just two short blocks to walk to the station to meet Matt,  Wrong. I started east to go toYonge street. That's when I met you, Josie. You joined me to help me gain my balance, asked me where I was going (the Subway Station) and said you were going there, too, and would help me get there.  

Wow. That was very kind of you. Neither of us knew how kind you had to be!

It was cold. Not everyone clears their sidewalk. My walker doesn't like that; it  bogs down in slush and ice.  It pulls and I push.  We support each other, with difficulty.


I struggled. It was cold. My hands and fingers were cold in my lovely Christmas gloves, not as warm as your mitts that you put over them to keep me warm. I protested that you needed them but you said you had your hands in your pockets so you were fine.  You were not fine. You were using your hands to help me stay upright.  You must have had very cold fingers.

It was hard going, I buckled. I didn't fall,I just got very weak and tired and I buckled and slid to the ground--the slush. You grabbed my rm to keep me from going all the way and another hand grabbed my other arm to help me up.

Another angel !!!!

We finally arrived at the station.  Matt wasn't there. The University line had a glitch and didn't run for a while, so I had a chance to sit down. You didn't  leave me then. First. you looked for Matt, maybe somewhere else in the building?  No.  He showed up.

Then you called a taxi for me and waited for it to come,, and then you made sure Matt and I were safely into the cab and told the cabbie where we were going.  And fiinally you left me.

You were a perfect PSW (Personal Ssrvice Worker). I couldn't thank you enough . I told you  I would write a blog about your kindness and TLC, and this is it.


Thank you, Josie !

P.S. We had a wonderful dinner.  Lots of tempura sushi, sashimi. and soup. Matt hasd a loveley birthday,thanks to you,Josie.



Where was i ?

Where am I now? Gone for a test every day, but one, when I had a haircut long long overdue.

I had an ultra-sound today. After a late lunch (when I found something to eat in my pantry), I’m going to t have a nap and see what happens the resf of the day.