It's 6:30 a.m., my time and home time, I'm happy to say, and we're waiting to get called to be given back our passports. The few times I've seen mine, I noticed that the pages are stamped and stuffed with papers and official looking papers. I'm going to have to get a few extra pages for it. Neat souvenir.
This is a limbo day moving one's body through time and space to resume "normal" living. Anon, anon.
It's now 1:15 p.m. and I am in the Admirals Club Lounge in Miami airport. The floor is still moving beneath my feet; I suppose I'll take a while to get my land legs. I must say, the wifi service is faster than on the ship - amazing! The closar I get to home the closer the real world begins to impinge as I think of the responsibilities and duties (and work) awaiting me. SOW I have to make a few phone calls to assure people I am here. Not my family, but Visa and the grocery delivery - you see? I hadn't given that a thought till now. I suppose it will take a while. I wonder if I can find a phone, Everyone's on cell phones.
I do have blogs I want to write. I'd like to write a little about some of my fellow passengers, if I can do so without being sued. We'll see.