I hate to say it, but I'm very skilled at procrastination.
I have a Paper Desk and a Computer Desk. My Paper Desk is messier than my Computer Desk because I neglect it more and also because it's so eclectic. I clip things from the New York Times every week: book reviews and theatre profiles for me; blog ideas for me (not blogs as such, but things that trigger blogs in me); medical mysteries for my granddaughter the doctor; art and design things for my granddaughter the artist; human interest things for my Boston-based daughter and son-in-law and their daughters; wedding accounts for a friend who is a wedding officiant; foodie news for a friend who is pathologically organic and health-food-oriented; math problems, reviews, conundrums and esoteric recipes for my son the genius. Then there are a few bills to pay that aren't online; birthday cards to send; and notes to write to people who don't have a computer (they're old friends). Like that. The papers pile up and wait for me. And I procrastinate, productively.
This morning Paper Desk was at the top of my to-do list. So - I finished Chapter Ten of my book, not finished, you know, but I tweaked some more, downloaded and printed it. I made a low-calorie dinner, as usual in a much larger quantity than required, for the freezer, for my son, for a neighbour (?), maybe even for a second shot for me. And of course I made Lists.
Well, I did finally write some essential letters and mailed them on my way to get my third TwinRix shot. Only four months to go before I cruise around the world (southern hemisphere) so I have a lot to do. Anywhere I choose to procrastinate, it will help.