I've asked this question before but I have a different answer. I have been busy since I came home preparing reports, writing in my journal, making lists of people to write, and writing them, writing more lists - of groceries, of clothes for Matt to wear, and me, too, - because we're having a Family Reunion this weekend, and my son is moving in with me to be close to the festivities so he has to pack something. None of these things is blog-like, though the typing and organizing is related and some of the information is blog-like. Not blog, though.
Soon, maybe, I will arrive at a definition of blog and then, maybe, it will be easier to write because I'll know what I'm doing.
Will I ever? Know? What I'm doing?
This past weekend was very stimulating but also very humbling. I meet so many accomplished people and such good writers, it makes me wonder what I'm doing with them. How did they let me in? What am I doing here, anyway? I'm a spear-carrier, is all.
This is definitely not blog material.