I scarcely slept the night before last, still reeling and thinking about The James Plays. Lying in bed I was analysing the effects, noting the visual metaphors, recognising the factors that drove the characters and the plays, and the brilliant continuity. I was reviewing it/them, writing in my head all night, and then trying to figure out what to say on paper (well, not paper but you know what I mean). I realised that there's a lot I can’t say or comment on because it would be a collection of spoilers. Everything is so integrated: an object or a word, even a smlle or a glance in one scene, leads to a major turning point further on. It’s great writing but it’s also fine directing and superb acting.
Full disclosure: I love Scottish men. (Scotsmen?) (My husband was a Scot; born in Canada but from a long line of Scots.) The acting company of the Scottish National Theatre comprised a number of great looking - and acting - men. I loved them. The women were fine, too, especially Malin Crépin who played Queen Margaret in James III. And then we come back to the script(s), written by a woman (Rona Munro) with some meaty parts (that one, especially) for women.
I guess I can give you one example of visual metaphor, dramatic and superb, without giving anything away. In James I, there is a battle waged over and around the marriage bed, centre stage, on which James’s wife is giving birth. He actually leaps up and fights, standing on top of the bed (a four-poster with (very) strong supports). The action is exciting and the metaphor is all too clear. Again I say WOW.
I ordered the scripts and had a notice this morning that they are on their way to me.
So more anon.