
They came on the 19th and started to empty some bookshelves. They brought a dozen Bankers’ boxes and then they filled them and then they left. So now I have pile of Banker’s boxes in my living room and a few empty shelves.

It was neater the way it was.

I think I told you that the Fisher Library at U of T is taking my collection of published women’s diaries. I wish I could give me with them. If I could live another lifetime I’d keep them but I don’t have enough time to do what I have to do.

This morning I woke up early as usual with time to put in before I swim. This is always dangerous because I get hooked on something and I have difficulty leaving it to swim. I sat down beside my diary wall, not intending to stay, didn’t even bring my orange with me. But I looked at some of the diaries still waiting to be packed….

Oh dear. I didn’t swim until 12:15

I’l list the books when I come back ……Here I am, briefly: (It’s now July 21)

“Marion Woodman. Bone, Dying into Life, Viking Penguin, 2000. “In November, 1993, Woodman was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She recorded the subsequent two years of cancer treatment in a journal, which was later published as Bone: Dying into Life. She died at her home in London, Ontario on July 9, 2018, aged 89.”

I remember this one very well. I bought another copy to give to a friend who was dying of cancer. Woodman was a an influencer before such a term emerged to describe her power and popularity. I had bought and read five of her books before her courageous story, Bone ”told in journal form, of her illness, her healing process,

I had bought and read five of her books before Bone was published. So this early morning impulse was a re-read, and I couldn’t put it down. (Swimming be damned.) I just kept reading. When I read it the first time I had started to underline and highlight and then I stopped as I realized that the entire book would have been totally marked up. I just kept reading.

Next I picked up a book I browbeat a friend into giving it to me. I let her write an explanation of her ownership of it….



I found the book, right beside another, almost the same one but a special edition, published later, with colour(ed) photographs and information and highlights and the conclusion.

Hooked again. You see, I can’t be trusted when a book is concerned. I had to read it tonight because these books will be leaving me along with the rest of the treasure trove in a week or so.

I wrote a radio play about Mary Schaeffer Warren. It was produced and aired on CBC”s Morningside, Peter Gzowski’s domain, if anyone is old enough to remember that.

Anyway, it’s late now.

So I’ll finish this tomorrow.

I’m doddering.