noun, '“with an effort, Miles shook off the lethargy that had been creeping over him since his wife's death:” sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, slowness, torpor, torpidity, lifelessness, dullness, listlessness, langour, languidness, stagnation, dormancy, laziness, idleness, indolence, shiftlessness, sloth, phlegm, apathy, passivity, ennui, weariness, tiredness, lassitude, fatigue, sleepiness, drowsiness, enervation, somnolence, narcosis; rare hebetude. ANTONYMS vigor, energy, animation
noun , they ran with great vigor”. robustness, healthiness, good health, hardiness, strength, stamina, sturdiness, fitness, good shape, good trim, good condition, fine fettle, toughness, ruggedness, muscle, power; bloom, radiance, sap; energy, activity, liveliness, life,
spryness, sprightliness, vitality, vivacity, vivaciousness, verve, animation, spiritedness, spirit, enthusiasm, fire, fieriness, fervor, ardor, zeal, passion, might, forcefulness, determination, intensity, dynamism, sparkle, effervescence, dash, snap, spark, gusto, pep, bounce, exuberance, drive, push, elan; informal zip, zing, oomph, vim, go, get-up-and-go, punch; British informal welly; literary thew, thewiness. ANTONYMS weakness, listlessness,
Back to where we started.
On the positive list, I used to have determination and drive. On the negative side, I am list-less.
I must write some lists.
NOPE. I wrote and lost my entry for June 30. so TOMORROW (i.e. today) is SPECIAL
I hope