I missed yesterday.
I missed me, too.
I had real trouble moving.
So I didn’t move much.
I don’t know what to say.
I’ll think about it….
-I went back to bed for a half hour nap and I know where I’m going now,—SORT OF— if not who I am.
Yesterday i read the current copy of the Writers’ Union newsletter, a far cry from the Gestetner (sp?) rag I was thrilled to receive in the mail during the early years of the Union. No email then, no home computers—not until Kaypro 4 made a deal that most of us—NEW MEMBERS OF A FLEDGLING ORGANIZATION— couldn’t afford to miss. It’s a real magazine now with contributions by members who get their ideas accepted, assigned, written and paid for, almost like real professionals. I am still helplessly grateful for the work a tiny group of hard-working volunteers did to launch my/our then minuscule dream.
TWUC has over 2000 members now and a paid staff, not concerned with commas as I am, but fighting for us all to overcome the damaging copyright law that has cost Canadian writers millions of dollars in revenue/income—so far.
Anyway, I read and re-read and saved an essay that many of you will find relevant to your Keeper File, and that’s what I want to brding to your attention. It’s called Shadow Stories—”Meditations On the Writing We Leave Behind”. Thos of you who know what I’m struggling with right now will understand why I saved this piece to report to you and to keep to think about as I prepare my last shipment of files for the University of Manitoba Archives. I must be careful.
More to come….
Wait for it.
I have to do a little research before I finish what I want to tell you.
Sleep well.