my wedding anniversary

I was married 70 years ago today. I was widowed 20 years after we married. So no one remembers but me. That’s okay.

I have very warm memories and Bill still gets a laugh when I quote one of. his witticisms. I don’t give the source. His humour is on the nose, as they say, Do they still say that??

Well, I’m Right now I’ve been too busy with an event or obstacle to deal with every day. I am developing bad habits I never used to have—every day. My timetable is out of-sync—again.

I went straight from school to marriage. My wedding was just seventeen days after my convocation with a Master’s degree in English. (Major in twentieth-century poetry; Minor in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse.) I didn’t know how to boil eggs. I didn’t have a job. I went straight from studying to playing solitaire every afternoon waiting for my new husband to return from work OR (this is the hard part) learning how to plan and cook dinner, Every night. It was so inexorable.

I didn’t know what I was doing or how to do it. Well, I could read and I could follow directions—slowly. I had all the time in the world. I didn’t have deadlines or exams, though there was a test every night at dinnertime. But I had a very forgiving examiner. He even forgave me the night I served sardines on toast.for dinner. I wasn’t t pregnant—not for two years—I just couldn’t think of anything else.

I am awash with memory and I haven’t even gotten to the point of this trip.

I’ll come back.
