I found in my papers two-pages of instructions on how to de-clutter your home with a list and a calendar of what to do each day for 30 days. I thought how prescient of me who saved and of the person who wrote this advice, titled “How to Conquer Your Clutter—Super Bundle”. But in her (their?) introduction they suggest reading the Marie Kondo Book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I’m sure you know it.. I told you about it several months ago when I reported how lovely my sock drawer is, thanks to Kondo.
The calendar is not too daunting because it reduces your efforts to one task a day, for example: Day 1, empty one junk drawer; Day 5, go through your mail pile: Day 17, purge medicine cabinet'. It gets tough, though. Day 20, empty another junk drawer; Day 27, organize toys, followed by Day 28, donate old games. I hate the last directive: Day 30, clean. This list is all-knowing. It—they—know you have more than one junk drawer.. It knows you have a mail pile. They know you would hang onto old toys, so it orders you the next day to give away old games. And yet.
I hung onto those pages.
I’m not going to give them to the archives.
They’re my secret.
Tomorrow I’ll write about something different. There’s always more.