I have always said, acknowledging a fact about myself, that my will is stronger than my flesh. Until now.
Used to be i could carry on no matter what, tired or aching or hungry or distraught, i would finish what I started, do what I said I was going to do, keep my promises. Nope. Naps take priority now.
Take my balcony, but not too far because I love it and it is my summer home. It has taken me some time this year to get it ready for summer, first because of the long late cold spring, if you can call it that, we suffered through in Ontario, and then because I could do only so much at a time before I could physically do no more. I guess it’s called ageing, hard to reconcile oneself to.
And then there was the planting of the back-40 (it felt like that, just putting in bedding plants. for goodness sake), and the clean-up, and the same new rules applied, the rules that say take your time, wait till tomorrow, don’t bother. I have never left a task unfinished before. Now it takes me several days to complete it.
I’m just saying.
But I’m pleased to be back in the warmth again, and my fuschia this year has more buds ready to blossom than I have ever had—all those little ballerinas in their pink and white tutus.
I’m caught up now. It didn’t take that long.