the less said the better

I just deleted my post about my birthday party for my son Matt. It contained too much personal information about me and my family and I forgot how sweeping and terrifying the internet is. My grandson reminded me. With his permission I will enclose an article from the Globe and Mail about privacy and personal security.



I haven’t heard from him yet, so I can’t use the article I wanted to. But I can tell you how happy I felt today, happier than I’ve been in a long time. I enjoyed seeing my great grandchildren play with each other and with us—me and my adult grandchildren. I had forgotten how lovely it is to have children in the house. it was a reunion, too; my artist (sculptor) granddaughter is back after five months’ residence in L.A and her first International show. She allows her professional work on the net. Check her out.

Jen Aitken. Awesome.

So today was a good day. I feel better.

I’ll be back.