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What does it take for you to change a food habit? Discuss, with examples.

That’s a tough assignment. I’ve been thinking about it all day (thereby putting off what I really have to focus on). I started thinking about snails. And other things. In my Other Life we ate out a lot and we entertained a lot. I enjoyed it a lot. I liked cooking (still do) and liked to try new recipes and foods. That started early on when we were very young and very poor (relatively speaking). We couldn’t afford to travel so we travelled in my kitchen. Actually, it started before that.

Bill didn’t like liver. I did. He said he’d eat liver if I cooked it twelve different ways. I went to the library because I didn’t own many cookbooks (one). So it happened that the first soufflé I ever cooked was a liver soufflé (I’ve never made one since, I mean not with liver). I didn’t even know they were supposed to be difficult. It was okay, not my favourite; there are better ways of cooking liver. And I still like liver.

I guess I’m not talking about a food habit here but about a cooking method. To change a method you often need different utensils for cooking and/or for serving. Back to snails: I had snail plates and tongs and little teeny forks. I had artichoke plates. I had a couscousière before you could buy the packages of speedy couscous that you get now. I had crumpet rings. I was about the first person I knew who had a Cuisinart food processor (me and Pierre Berton). It was years, though, before I got a mandoline. I have a spiralizer, too, and my son Matthew makes the Zoodles with it. He’s very patient.

Am I talking about food habits? I guess. I have never been a if-this-is-Tuesday-it-must-be-sausages menu planner. Not quite true. We had a large roast beef every Sunday when we were in Stratford because we never knew who or how many would show up for dinner. This is taking me too far.

This is not about habit, this is about life style.