in the beginning was the word

This is a lick and a promise.....anon, anon

Picked up a few more words in my reading:

squamous adjective: covered with or characterized by scales: a squamous black hide. . Anatomy relating to, consisting of, or denoting a layer of epithelium that consists of very thin flattened cells: squamous cell carcinoma.  • [ attrib. ] Anatomy denoting the flat portion of the temporal bone which forms part of the side of the skull.   ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin squamosus, from squama ‘scale’.

imbricate   chiefly Zoology & Botany  verb  with obj. ] (usu. as adj.imbricated)  arrange (scales, sepals, plates, etc.) so that they overlap like roof tiles: these moulds have spherical bodies composed of imbricated triangular plates.  • [ no obj. ] (usu. as adj.imbricating) overlap: a coating of imbricating scales.   adjective:  (of scales, sepals, plates, etc.) having adjacent edges overlapping. Compare with valvate.   DERIVATIVES   imbrication  noun     ORIGIN early 17th cent. (in the sense ‘shaped like a pantile’): from Latin imbricat-,‘covered with roof tiles’, from the verb imbricare, from imbrex, imbric- ‘roof tile’ (from imber ‘shower of rain’).

nebulizer  (also nebuliser)  noun:  a device for producing a fine spray of liquid, used for example for inhaling a medicinal drug. he needs to use a nebulizer to get drugs and oxygen to his lungs.   DERIVATIVES   nebulize verb   ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from Latin nebula ‘mist’ + -izer (see -ize) .

oncology noun [ mass noun ] Medicine  the study and treatment of tumours.  DERIVATIVES  oncological adjective oncologist noun


ontology noun [ mass noun  the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.  DERIVATIVES  ontological  adjective ontologically  adverb,  ontologist noun    ORIGIN early 18th cent.: from modern Latin ontologia, from Greek ōn, ont- ‘being’ + -logy.

necrosis  noun [ mass noun ] Medicine  the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue due to disease, injury, or failure of the blood supply.  DERIVATIVES  necrotic |-ˈkrɒtɪk| adjective  ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: modern Latin, from Greek nekrōsis (see necro-,-osis) .

neuropathy noun [ mass noun ] Medicine  disease or dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves, typically causing numbness or weakness.   DERIVATIVES    neuropathic adjective

You will not be surprised to find out what I have been reading lately - actually, re-reading:  MORTALiTY  by Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011), author, columnist, social critic and a famous atheist - who wrote this last book as he recorded his reactions, both physical and mental/emotional to his terminal illness (esophegeal cancer).  I read it for the fourth time and I think I may have looked up some of the medical terms before but they don't seem to stick.  They take some learning; so does death.

A writer friend of mine just opted for an assisted death. She was suffering from a sudden and surprising diagnosis of a lethal, swift cancer with a brief, painful prognosis.

Hitchens cites several works that I still want to follow up.  He quotes an entire poem by WWI poet Wilfred Owen  (1893-1918), "Dulce et Decorum Est", describing reactions to a gas attack - "obscene as cancer".  Hitch (as he is called) defines death as a "firm deportation...across the stark frontier that marks off the land of malady".  

I'll be back in the land of the living tomorrow.