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More words.  (Honk if you love words.)

comity (pl. comities) formal  1  an association of nations for their mutual benefit.• (also comity of nations) [ mass noun ] the mutual recognition by nations of the laws and customs of others.2 [ mass noun ] courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others. a show of public comity in the White House.  ORIGIN mid 16th cent. (in sense 2): from Latin, from ‘courteous’.

Note my italics:  this is obviously an OOLD dictionary!

gaydar noun [ mass noun ] informal:  the supposed ability of homosexuals to recognise one another by means of very slight indications.   ORIGIN 1980s: blend of gay and radar.

 I found this word in Douglas Coupland's book, BitRot.  Right next to it was another word that the online dictionary didn't recognise but you will be able to:  drugdar.  

 anaphora noun [ mass noun ]1 Grammar: the use of a word referring back to a word used earlier in a text or conversation, to avoid repetition, for example the pronouns he, she, it, and they and the verb: I like it and so do they. Compare with cataphora.2 Rhetoric:  the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses .3 Christian Church: the part of the Eucharist which contains the consecration, anamnesis, and communion.  DERIVATIVES  anaphoric adjective,anaphorically adverb  ORIGIN late 16th cent.: sense 1, sense 2 via Latin from Greek, ‘repetition’, from ana- ‘back’ + pherein ‘to bear’; sense 3 from late Greek.

malathion  [ mass noun ]:  a synthetic organophosphorus compound which is used as an insecticide.  ORIGIN 1950s: from (diethyl) mal(eate) (see maleic acid) + thio- + -on.

WHERE did I pick up that one? I'll NEVER use it.

 inerrant adjective  incapable of being wrong. they believed in an inerrant scripture. DERIVATIVES inerrancy noun,inerrantist noun  ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Latin inerrant- ‘fixed’, from in- ‘not’ + errant- ‘erring’ (see errant) .

But this one I will make a point of using.I will be inerrant.

anecdotage noun [ mass noun ] 1 anecdotes collectively: a number of reports cannot be dismissed as anecdotage.2 humorous old age, especially in someone who is inclined to be garrulous. it is not within many of us to emulate such a feat in our anecdotage.[from a blend of anecdote and dotage.]

I guessed chis one before I looked it up. It's a natural.

baryon  Physics:  a subatomic particle, such as a nucleon or hyperon, that has a mass equal to or greater than that of a proton. DERIVATIVES baryonic:adjectiveORIGIN 1950s: from Greek barus ‘heavy’ + -on.

--and also  positron  noun:  Physics:  a subatomic particle with the same mass as an electron and a numerically equal but positive charge.   ORIGIN 1930s: from positive + -tron.

I have more but I'm getting tired of this and I'm sure you are, too.  I have lots more scraps, but I'll save them.....