my word

I am patient but there are limits. I had almost finished tidying this entry (had to transfer it from Word because SquareSpace would not accept me on my laptop), when it was erased,  Too much.

I'll tidy it later and leave it as is for mow You get the idea.

Every dieter should know these first two words:  leptin and ghrelin


noun [ mass noun ] Biochemistry

a protein produced by fatty tissue which is believed to regulate fat storage in the body.

ORIGIN 1990s: from Greek leptos ‘fine, thin’ + -in1.

ghrelin noun

an enzyme produced by stomach lining cells that stimulates appetite.


[ I’m reading some disparate things so the word I’m looking at are from different worlds.]

febrifuge noun: a medicine used to reduce fever. she employed a risky febrifuge and the fever finally broke.


febrifugal |fɪˈbrɪfjʊg(ə)l, ˌfɛbrɪˈfjuːg(ə)l| adjective

ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from French fébrifuge, from Latin febris ‘fever’ + fugare ‘drive away’. Compare with feverfew.



noun (pl.aponeuroses |-siːz| ) Anatomy: a sheet of pearly white fibrous tissue which takes the place of a tendon in sheet-like muscles having a wide area of attachment.

DERIVATIVES aponeurotic | | adjective  ORIGIN late 17th cent.: modern Latin, from Greek aponeurōsis, from apo ‘off, away’ + neuron ‘sinew’ + -osis.


titrate verb (with obj.  Chemistry:  ascertain the amount of a constituent in (a solution) by measuring the volume of a known concentration of reagent required to complete a reaction with it, typically using an indicator. the sample is titrated at a pH near 10 with EDTA solution. titrate 25 cm3 of this solution against 0.10 M hydrochloric acid.

• Medicine continuously measure and adjust the balance of (a physiological function or drug dosage). each patient received intravenous diazepam and pethidine, the doses being titrated according to the response.


titratable adjective,

titration |-ˈtreɪʃ(ə)n| noun

ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from French titrer (from titre in the sense ‘fineness of alloyed gold or silver’) + -ate3.

[ I understood this better in context in the book I was reading than I do now, with this scientific explanation.]

oxter noun  Scottish & N. English  a person's armpit.

ORIGIN Old English ōhsta, ōxta.

trapezius  (also trapezius muscle)  noun (pl.trapezii |-zɪʌɪ| ) Anatomy:either of a pair of large triangular muscles extending over the back of the neck and shoulders and moving the head and shoulder blade.

ORIGIN early 18th cent.: from modern Latin, from Greek trapezion ‘trapezium’ (because of the shape formed by the muscles).

froe noun: a cleaving tool with a handle at right angles to the blade.

ORIGIN late 16th cent.: abbreviation of obsolete frower, from froward in the sense ‘turned away’.

sachem noun (among some American Indian peoples) a chief.  N. Amer. informal a boss or leader. a Mafia sachem.         ORIGIN from Narragansett, ‘chief, sagamore’.

hussif  [ Well, now, this one isn’t in the online dictionary but I know it.  My father had a hussif, military issue, when he was in the Medical Corps during World war II.  It was his toiletries bag. The word hussif is a quick, elliptic way of saying “Housewife” I guess the hussif was everyman’s home away from home and in that way functioned as a housewife to his needs.]

sclera noun, Anatomy:  the white outer layer of the eyeball. At the front of the eye it is continuous with the cornea.

DERIVATIVES  scleral adjective    ORIGIN late 19th cent.: modern Latin, from Greek sklēros ‘hard’.


thrawn adjective  Scottish  1 twisted; crooked: a slightly thrawn neck.  2 perverse; ill-tempered: mother's looking a bit thrawn this morning.  ORIGIN late Middle English: Scots form of thrown (see throw), in the obsolete sense ‘twisted, wrung’.


hypocaust noun:  an ancient Roman heating system, comprising a hollow space under the floor of a building, into which hot air was directed.  ORIGIN from Latin hypocaustum, from Greek hupokauston ‘place heated from below’, from hupo ‘under’ + kau- (base of kaiein ‘to burn’).


fetor  noun: a strong, foul smell: the fetor of decay.  ORIGIN late 15th cent.: from Latin, from fetere ‘to stink’. Compare with fetid

boffin noun  Brit. informal:  a person engaged in scientific or technical research: the boffins at the Telecommunications Research Establishment.  . a person with knowledge or a skill considered to be complex or arcane: a computer boffin.  DERIVATIVES boffiny adjective  ORIGIN Second World War: of unknown origin

I guess that’s all for tonight.  As I am gradually breathing more freely, emerging from the bubble I was trapped in with my screenplay, other issues and commitments are rising to tug at me.  Oh dear.


And I still haven’t discussed Stephen Hawking