First, I hope, comes something I wrote yesterday but couldn't post because I was locked out of my SquareSpace... See if I can find it:
I have been neglected, ignored and attacked by several of my electronic “servants” – they are NOT serving me.
I managed to get to the end of formatting my script on Final Draft, the screenwriting program insisted upon by a director who is interested in the story. I had trouble transferring a draft of my script but finally, I thought, succeeded. But then I had to fit the scene headings, dialogue, spaces and so on, into the FD program. Very slow. I write faster than I can format. Today I tought I had finished. I ordered a print-out to see what the piece looked like. About a third of the way through the printer started giving me one line at the top of a strangely numbered page – for the rest of the script. Oy.
I don’t know what to do. What I did do in order to read the script was to copy the weird pages – they read fine on the screen – and past them to a fresh blank open script. Then I printed that. So I’ll be able to read it. But how do I correct what’s locked in the computer?
In the meantime, as I said, I’m locked out of my blog on Little Mac. I’m several days behind and I have a lot to say.
I can’t afford a clone or a secretary. I recently I headed one of my unwritten blogs “delayed gratification”, but this is ridiculous.
Tomorrow is another day.
There - and already it is - another day.
Anon, anon.