After we apologize. Before I dwell on this, I’m going to focus on some upbeat material. Remember Ursula Leguin (? You can’t possibly have forgotten her, not yet. She died in January of this year. That’s when I started taking a look. I read ?The Left Hand of Darkness, very appropriate now with its gender-bending protagonists. And I read and have referred to the people from Omelas. The Earth SeaTrilogy is on order, hasn’t arrived yet - I don’t have Prime Time. A friend of mine sent me Legiuin’s blog book, a collection of her blogs, just published in 2017 before she died. What a lovely mind she had! What a lovely person she was! And her life and convictions tied right in with what (a few) people are realizing now: what we have done to planet earrth and how we must recover- if it’s not too late. I’m still reeling.
I googled the hymn “For the Beauty of the Earth” - with the words and music. Sing now, think later. Just say thank you.