Well, you never wrap up, not as long as new stuff keeps coming in. without further ado... (I hate that cliché):
pangolin noun: an African and Asian mammal that has a body covered with horny overlapping scales, a small head with an elongated snout, a long sticky tongue for catching ants and termites, and a tapering tail. Also called scaly anteater.●Family Manidae and order Pholidota: genera Manis (three species in Asia) and Phataginus (four species in Africa).ORIGIN late 18th cent.: from Malay peng-guling, literally ‘roller’ (from its habit of rolling into a ball).
epyllion noun (pl.epyllia: a narrative poem that resembles an epic poem in style, but which is notably shorter. ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from Greek epullion, diminutive of epos ‘word, song’, from eipein ‘say’.
syzygy noun: (astronomy): a conjunction or opposition of the moon with the sun. A pair of connected or corresponding things. ("the planets were aligned in syzgy" [Three guesses how this one came up this past week.]
gorp mass noun: N. Amer. informal, another term for trail mix. ORIGIN 1970s: perhaps an acronym from good old raisins and peanuts.
sitz bath: a bath in which only the buttocks and hips are immersed in water ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: partial translation of German Sitzbad, from sitzen ‘sit’ + Bad ‘bath’. [I knew it was a bath but I didn't know it defined which art of he body was immersed. I thought it was like Epsom salts]
moil archaic, dialect, or N. Amer. verb:[ no obj. 1 work hard: men who moiled for gold.2 move around in confusion or agitation: a crowd of men and women moiled in the smoky haze.noun [ mass noun ] 1 hard work; drudgery. this night his weekly moil is at an end. 2 turmoil; confusion: the moil of his intimate thoughts. ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ‘moisten or bedaub’): from Old French moillier ‘paddle in mud, moisten’, based on Latin mollis ‘soft’. The sense ‘work’ dates from the mid 16th cent., often in the phrase toil and moil.
bolus (pl. boluses) 1 a small rounded mass of a substance, especially of chewed food at the moment of swallowing. mucin holds the particles of food together in a ball or bolus. 2 a type of large pill used in veterinary medicine.• Medicine a single dose of a drug or other medicinal preparation given all at once.ORIGIN mid 16th cent. (denoting a large pill): via late Latin from Greek bōlos ‘clod’. [got t his one from an article in the NYT this week. I like it.]
anneal verb [ with obj.: 1 heat (metal or glass) and allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses and toughen it. copper tubes must be annealed after bending or they will be brittle. (as adj. annealing) : the chimneys of annealing furnaces. figurative : Dr , annealed to hostility, looked at me coolly. 2 Biochemistry recombine (DNA) in the double-stranded form. DERIVATIVES annealer noun ORIGIN Old English onǣlan, from on+ ǣlan‘burn, bake’ from āl‘fire, burning’. The original sense was ‘set on fire’, hence (in late Middle English)‘subject to fire, alter by heating’. [I need to find a use for this one! I like it.]
catamount |ˈkatəmaʊnt| (also catamountain |ˌkatəˈmaʊntɪn| )nounN. Amer.a puma.• archaic: any medium-sized or large wild cat. ORIGIN late Middle English (as catamountain): from the phrase cat of the mountain.
IT'S THE NEXT DAY NOW. My battery ran out on me. I stayed up to watch the Blue Jays lose again, pissing away their opportunities. Sigh.
tantamount |adjective (tantamount to: equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as: the resignations were tantamount to an admission of guilt. ORIGIN mid 17th cent from the earlier verb to as much from Italian tanto montare.
catatonic adjective: Psychiatry: relating to or characterised by catatonia: catatonic schizophrenia.• informal of or in an immobile or unresponsive stupor.
That's me now - in an unresponsive stupor. I'll write again today when the date tells you it's today and the Jays are losing again.