Well, we don't read the dictionary often enough, anyway. I'm sorry for all that material I dumped on you yesterday but I found out what I wanted to find out and I'll give you my notes now:
surveil as a verb is a new word, originating in the 1960s. I noticed it first in weather foreccasters' vocabulary. It is what is called a back formation, from the noun.
careen/career - note the different definitions. You can tell whether the writer is British (Canadian) or American by the choice of the verb. I notice these things.
oblivious - to, please, not of
both - nowhere is there a construction, "the both of you". So awkward!
deal - similarly, you won't find "big of a" as in "it's not that big of a deal". Why the extra verbiage?
forte - I have my grandfather's pronouncing dictionary which I have always relied on. Forte, the noun, is pronounced FORT.The adjective is FORTAY. Pianoforte (the instrument that plays soft/loud) I think was originally pronounced pianoFORTAY, but I hear only pianoFORT now.
bored - bored with, please, but I have heard bored by. Never bored of. There is a note in the dictionary (see March 20) about the confusion with tired of.
mayonnaise - I putt that in because I sometimes have trouble spelling it, with two esses instead of two enns. The dictionary note says it comes from Mahon, the capital of Minorca - mahon-aise. That's why I want to spell it without the second enn. I read somewhere that the chef of the Duc de Mahon created a new sauce for his master when he ran out of cream. As you know, mayonnaise is made with eggs and oil.
diarrhoea - I put that in because I can't spell it. I always leave out the o.
Enough already.