o is for obsolete

Not obsolete as in old as in people, but obsolete as fallen into disuse.

[I checked the thesaurus and there are such lovely synonyms I can't resist repeating them: out of date, outdated, outmoded, old-fashioned; no longer in use, disused, fallen into disuse, superannuated, outworn,antiquated, antediluvian, anachronistic, discarded, discontinued, old, dated, antique, archaic, ancient, fossilised, extinct, defunct, dead, bygone, out of fashion, out, behind the times; French: démodé, passé, vieux jeu; informal: old hat, out of the ark, geriatric, prehistoric; Brit. informal:  past its sell-by date. ANTONYMS:  contemporary, current, modern, new, up to date.]  ([ wrote fallen into disuse before I checked and was pleased to see I got it right.]

A number of years ago I was given a page-a-day dictionary/calendar and it triggered both research and poetry in me.  Research: I had to check the accuracy of the definition and provenance of the words; Poetry: I began to write poems inspired by words that appealed to me. I had to stop because I kept buying  more such calendars each year and I never threw them away because I needed them, and they took up too much space. I was still living in my cottage then. 

I'll give you an example or two of words that nestled in my brain...

But that will be tomorrow  by the time I check out past works and find what I want. And by then I'll be working on P, too. 

Wait for it.  


  Something in me likes s:

                        As in swarble and scunge

                        Scour and scrounge

                        Sloom spuddle and steehop



                        is not a verb


                        Snickle is a snare

                        a thing that ensnares

                        traps and entraps

                        thralls and enthrals

                        holds grips arrests

                        makes subject –

                        which I am losing.


                        A noun, did I say that?

                        a thing, made of horsehair

                        but if hair of horse is not

                        at hand what then?

                        will human do?


                        Think of mermaid’s hair

                        ensnaring anemones

                        Rapunzel’s hair entwined

                        a ladder for her captor

                        (lover too another kind of captor)

                        bracelets of hair on bright bone

                        not fair!



                        More sinister than meets the eye.




Not the sole creator of portmanteau

Lewis Carroll had precedent


Such words


Take snirtle

(not too far - I need it )


Snicker sneer

wth a little snort

simper titter

smirk and chortle (one of his)

none as strong

as snirtle


Onomatopoeic too:



Like Geraldine’s noises (remember:

tolerating telephone inanities)

old soul at home

not out of service

not yet

though snirtle is

out of service




The world could still use

a gentle



and then


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

I guess that's enough for now  More anon?