I can see why TV writers keep setting stories in hospitals (esp. ER) or n city police departments. I am totally invisible as I watch and listen to what’s going on around me in the emergency room, not because I match the walls but because people in distress are totally focused on themselves and what is going on in their damaged bodies. They’re invisible, too, so you are safe - I mean I - I am safe.
Also better. Soon. I know I’m not all better because my lists are shorter than usual. Most lists, have you noticed, require some physical effort for follow-up. like walking or standing, pushing a vacuum or a Swiffer, schlepping groceries or laundry, and I won’t go on because I don’t want to. They all use my legs too much.
My new list is hard onmy bad leg because it involves sitting with my legs down. I must be elevated, in more ways than one. One, raise the leg, two, raise the mind, three, raise the stakes.