Big day today. I wrote two more scenes in my screenplay and I had the stitches removed from my leg wound. I didn’t have much time for peripheral thought but I’ll tell you what I’ve been thinking about for some time, since I latched onto Twitter, in fact.
I shouldn’t have been surprised. I was a great fan of Marshall McLuhan and his predictions. He said that one day we would all be artists (creators, writers, whatever) and that there would be a problem finding an audience. If everyone talks, who will listen?
Since I joined Twitter I’ve been thinking of that, I mean, everyone is creating, writing, publishing and thinking, just as McLuhan predicted. Before I was aware of all that activity I thought I was, well, not alone, but muzzing along quietly and coping, sort of alone. I don’t mean that in a self-pitying way. I’m content to be alone in my efforts, that is, I have been content. As a writer early on, I learned that the effort is what is important, the learning and the doing. Success may or may not be a by-product. But all these happy wannabes are blowing their own tweets and there are so many of them, I find it quite daunting.
I don’t feel envious or competitive, just kind of sorry for all of us – me, you – you in your small corner and I in mine