Like, when isn't it? One of those days. And it has already begun. It's Friday, Matt's day, plus plus plus.
Anon, anon.
Later: How can anyone sign up with a "like" when I haven't said anything yet? Well,first, John Denver: "Sunshine almost always makes me happy/ sunshine almost always makes me high." The sun is shining; it's a beautiful, crisp, fall day and we live in hope...that the JAYS WILL WIN THE GAME TONIGHT. I hope so.
I'm celebrating birthdays this weekend, beginning today with my friend and mentor who divides his time between here and Cleveland. He's in Cleveland today; I'll invite him for dinner next week. Tomorrow I will celebrate with a friend by taking her to a movie - a rare treat for both of us,and a birthday treat for her. Sunday I will serve brunch to another birthday girl and her husband and a mutual friend. I'll do a frittata; I'm good at frittatas. Sunday evening Matt will come for Sunday dinner; he has chosen chicken. God knows what the Jays will be doing by Sunday and He hasn't told me yet. I just have to wait and see.
In the meantime, I am living a double life. My characters in my screenplay are coming to life inside my head and I begin to hear their voices, saying things that only they -- each one -- can say. And I am seeing scenes that didn't exist before. It's great when I get to this stage because even when I'm not writing, I'm writing. If all goes well, maybe by next week I can put something into the hard drive....I hope.
I'm hoping for the Blue Jays right now. Bless us all. I hope.