not yet

Predictive editing, annoying and fascinating as it is, will have to wait.  Today was New York Times day and it was lover-ly.   I had no other engagements, other than my swim which I took late because I slept in - WOW - it really was a great day - so I read the whole thing and took my clippings and made my notes and realized why I felt so good.  I feel YOUNG when I read the NYT, enriched and enthusiastic and full of comments and ideas and spin-offs of my own.  The sad thing is that I don't seem to have enough time or energy to follow up on all my ideas but that daunting fact doesn't sink in until later so I have all the pleasure of creation today. Perhaps I should start writing letters to the editor(s) and send off some of my ideas.  That might make me sad.  A least, when my thoughts remain eager scribbles on my little scraps of paper, they have a half life and a potential.  Once they are officially recorded and sent out, to be ignored and fade away from the neglect of others, they lose the glow, or I do. 

Hush, hush, it was a good day.  I hope yours was, too.