Insights into other people's minds help to keep one (very) humble. I stayed overnight with a friend in Stratford and we attended WAITING FOR GODOT, but she was far more interesting than Godot, and I have come away with fresh ideas to pursue, new urls to google, and thoughts to think, lots of potential blogs, in fact. It takes the hours of a visit to discover in satisfying detail what other people are doing with their lives and time. Not an extended visit; I keep in mind what Horace and Benjamin Franklin (both) said: After three days fish or a guest stink. But overnight, for sure, with time to talk over a nightcap (or wine on the porch by lantern light), and more time over breakfast coffee. You'll note that I assume alertness both late and early. I'm a nightingale as well as a lark. Just don't talk to me in the middle of the day because that's when I fold, spindle and mutilate. So we covered, among other things, the ecosystem, weather and food, including health and nutrition; e- and print-books, the reading (contents) thereof; practical clothes, shopping for, sources and tips; and of course, our work in progress because we are both writers. No gossip, no people or character analysis - well, a little - but not to the point of malice or destruction. We part with promises to keep more in touch, knowing that we have more to learn from each other. "Go to your friend," said Kahlil Gibran, not with hours to kill but with hours to live." Yes. Thank you.