"The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." The trick is to focus on one thing at a time. Multi-tasking is simply a plethora of focuses (foci?). Oh dear -
that was my total blog for yesterday. Not that I didn't think. About a number of things, actually. It's that inner dialogue that goes on constantly, so constantly it's hard to stop and elucidate - there's a word I haven't used in a while. (Quick Thought about dormant vocabulary). Maybe it's not the occurring that's hard (see Leacock); maybe it's the choosing. So - the inner dialogue. Don't you find, as you go through the day, that there isn't a thing, thought, person or event you encounter that doesn't raise a memory, speculation, correction, note, reminder, noodge even as it, whatever it is, engraves itself on your current tabula? Is that clear? Yes, the point is, don't think so much. I think.