The writing is on the wall, perhaps, but it certainly isn't on paper, addressed, stamped (at great expense) and delivered. Other writers have already predicted the demise of the LETTERS OF - collections of letters by famous people, Leonard Bernstein recently among them. A collection of Twitters will not make for much good reading or illuminating insights. Besides, they'll have to be translated, IMHO. Have you noticed that in current fiction, new writers often include other modes and genres of writing in their finished product? We are given, often with a change of font, recipes and diary notes and letters instead of straight narrative. The letters, however, are more like Tweets than real missives. A missive is defined in my computer dictionary as "a letter, esp. a long or official one." (I knew that.) Note the key word, long. I'm not sure whether the writer is lazy and just filling in blanks with easy, even found, writing, or trying to cater to a reader who is also lazy and prefers thought in small doses. And then there are graphic novels. I used to wonder when I was younger why newspapers carried all that dense print with news I didn't read. All that mattered to me were the funny pages. Mind you, I was six years old. Now I can't read a comic or graphic novel. All those balloons and interruptions and illustrations do not make for rapid reading. I don't want to get into that now. I am still considering the death of the letter. There's some good news about electronic communication and you are enjoying it right now. I might be writing this longhand or some other way, but you wouldn't be reading it without the net. My cobweb line has caught you. And look, Ma, no stamps!