
Here is another reason I missed a few blogs: a play in the Fringe Festival in Toronto by an old buddy of mine. Old play, too. (First produced at the Fringe in 1993.)

I went to INTO by Dave Carley, starring DeAnn De Gruijter, Jane Luk, Randy Baumer and Walter Rinaldi. It was a 70-minute show, I think. Anyway, we were warned , no late entry, no re-entry if you have to go out, and to make sure, the toilets would be locked. Captive audience.

I’ve known Dave Carley for a long time, at least 20 years, I guess. I called him an old buddy - sort of an old friend - certainly amicable and cordial but not really familiar. Nevertheless I have followed his career with interest. He made all the right moves, far better than I. And he is very witty, and has a magic way with words and puns and associations. He is very quick, almost too fast. I listened very hard to the dialogue with no time to laugh because I was missing things even as the actor went on. He has ideas, he can accurately satirize current trends and attitudes. He builds editorials into whatever situation arises and he gives you something to ponder, if you have time. I admire him a lot.


INTO wasn’t a play. It was a contrived situation offering food for wit but no time to think. It really didn't have a beginning, a middle and an end and there was no arc in the story, nor did any of the four characters change. They moved around, or changed partners, or made discomfiting discoveries, but I don’t think they learned anything. The question is, did I?

I still admire Dave Carley.