Let’s go back: it was a lovely weekend. I do love lakes. i swam skinny on the three mornings i was there, including the morning we drove back. Cool.
Takes me a while to warm up but it’s worth it. I was home by mid-afernoon but I went blah. I’ve talked before about travel, about moving one's body through space and time. It’s not jet lag, obviously, after a three-hour drive; it’s the mind-set. I go into vacation/cottage mode at a lake. i don’t think or worry and I carry that insouciance back with me, for a while.
Okay, that’s a thin excuse for yesterday’s silence. That was then, right now is now, and late at that - watching the Blue Jays game from Arizona. (Phoenix, I think) Lovely day. I studied my notes for my screenplay , getting ready to write some new scenes, I went to my physiotherapy (traction), picked up some wine and some nibbles for my neighbours whom I finally invited for a drink on the balcony (aka my summer home).
And then the wind-down, as if I had been wound up on this lovely summer day.
So what did I learn? How do I justify my existence today?
I put a toonie into the violin case of a woman busker on the street and she thanked me and I thanked her, with eye contact. Does that count?