in and out

Bouncing like a ball.

Well, up and down.

I came home on Wednesday, ovenright for two nights, back in the hospital on Friday, with my wonderful cleaning person (a PSW now) to help me. He left t me at 2 p.m to go ad be a genuine PSW for some lucky client, and I waited in the cold (AC) forever until well after 7, I guess, to be admitted to the Emergency ward, not a hospital ward, and to be cradled in a mobile bed in the corridor overnight, continuing cold.

Fortunately, Roderick went out and bought a sandwich for me before he went off duty and it was womderful.

Every time I go to Emergency it’s for a different reason. My body is very inventive . This time internal intestinal bleeding sent me back. I behaved and nagged and I got to come home on Sunday, today. It wasn’t just me. They were eager for another bed, especially tonight, Sunday of a long weekend, I was there Friday night when the paramedics started bringing in a steady stream of patients. I guess you haven’t lived until you’ve survived a long weekend in an Emergency hospital.

I’ m having trouble writing this—-more mistakes than usual. i’m home for how long i don’t know but I am here and I’ll get back to you.


I’m still learning a lot. I guess that’s why I ‘m living so long.