i'm out of sync

but I’m back, sort of…It’s the end of June 27.

Today—yesterday now—was the Garden Party for the residents of my apartment building.

I started the day confused about what day it was. I had a message from my older son telling me that Roderick would be back tomrrow and I thought he meant today. So I rushed, as much as I’m capable of rushing now, to clear the bedding for him to launder and to get out out clean stuff for him to make the bed, and then Matt called and It was Thursday and he’s coming as my guest to attend the Garden Party. So I had to juggle two days and put them together in the right order and assign them their separate tasks/ events.

Is this what is called cognitive dissonance?

I think so.

I’m getting closer to reality,

Today—yesterday—was a nice day today. The sun shone, it wasn’t boiling hot, it didn’t rain, the food was good, and I didn’t have to cook it and I had an ice cream cone dipped in chocolate for dessert, from a street vendor hired to come and serve us.

Life is rich.

And sometimes it makes sense.