blog-time-notes, gathered from a lifetiime

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Cranial therapy.

Dating is a euphemism.

Email and the green blind. (I wrote this one.)

Forceps and ether and Queen Victoria. Do you know she disapproved of these improvements for women in labour. She thought if it didn’t hurt as much. iit woutld just encourage them to have more babies. Social commentary?

The opposable thumb.

Refrigerators: The famiiy bulletin board, magnets, light readiing, games and puzzles and poetry, shopping lists, contents.

I had a friend whose little girl, my first daughter’s age, learned to read from her family’s refrrigerator. It was an ADMIRAL, the name boldly spelled out in large oapital letters on the door. A is for Admiral. That’s when i learned that refrigerators were required reading for three-year-olds.

Country Western songs. Clichés make the best lyrics. I bought a book of clichés to study them.

Movie quotations. Lots of collections of these. Our modern folklore. Aesop’s Fables. (Think of the princess and the pee; the boy who cried wolf.) Very educational. Not like the movies but memorable.

“Is this heaven? No, it’s Kansas.

“You had me at hello.”

“Show me the money.”

“We’ll always have Paris.”

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”

“After all, tomorrow is another day...”