I have one gin martini every Sunday

—but not today because Matt and I are invited for a glass of wine before dinner and I have to prepare something easy and fast for our meal.

We’ll have oujr favorite: Shrimp Tempura (frozen, ready in minutes), and Matt makes zoodles; plus some other vegetable. I try to give Matt lots of veg on the weekend when he comes because he and his roommate don’t eat enough vegetables. His roommate follows a rigid, self-chosen diet and lets no one interfere with it. I won’t go into details.

Today I hope I have caught up with myself and the calendar.

I’ll report at the end of the day.

End of the day.

I had a martiini.

We had shrimp tempura snd zoodles and asparagus and sugar snap beans.

And I had some red wine leftover from last nightl. I’m going all to hell.

Bed first.