but not the end.
Sorry to take so longl. I can do only one thing a day these days. Today is the day for this but I did’t stop thinking about it. A lot. i t old one of the ladies I swim with about ii, about my mother being with me.
She said the same thing happened to her mother, that she had talks with her mother (my friend’s grandmother) towards the end of her life. Her grandmother died when her mother was only 4 hears old. So her mother had never had a conversation wiith herI mother so she was given the opportunity. I hope tihis is clear.
It seems I have been given time to prepare. I find that comforting and useful. I’ll make good use of tihis extra time I have been granted.. It’s not just happenstance. iI’’s meant to be, to help me along the way, for the future.
This blog is for you, MIchelle, because. you asked me what I thought about the after-ilife.
Years ago, when I was younger, i realized that I had a choice, to believe or not to believe. I remember thinking that If I chose no instead of yes and it was the wrong choice, I would regret it but if I chose yes and it was right, that was okay.
Some one smarter than me called it the leap of faith.
That’s as far as I’ve come.