Today is not the day I was expecting. I have to find another one.
Not now.
Last night I was still dressed but ready for bed when I had an unexpected visit from friends who were in the building having had dinner with a resident. They were finished in time to drop in and I welcomed them because I hadn’t seen or heard from them in ages even when when they were living here for a short time, on a rental from from another resident. I had just about given up on them, in despair not in anger. I welclomed them and celebrated our reunion with a libation from a 12-year Glen Livet. (I buy one bottle a year to celebrate or reinforce my life. I use it sparingly.) They left at a reasonable late hour but I stayed up until after one a.m.
That ruined today. My fault.
I slept a little late, past my usual time, but I couldn’t get a grip on the day. l I kept napping. I didn’t get dressed until I forced myself to prepare and eat something for dinner. Now I must be careful not to wreck tomorrow.
That’s all.
We go on.