beginning takes longer than it used to

Watch out for that killer first step.

I was more tired than usual after my first swim in two and a half months. Initially rejuvenated—not the right word. Not younger at all.

I swam with Matt on Saturday and Sunday and that was okay. Just two lengths and the spa, late afternoon. I planned two easy dinners, that is, preparation that involved less standing, because cooking really tires me. I moan when I sit down to dinner. That helps a bit, and I didn’t have to do anything for the rest of the day.

Monday was a different ordeal.

I started eagerly and swam four lengths before my exercises in the hot tub. It felt great and I felt fine.

But about an hour later, it hit me I started a downward slide and kept on sliding all day.

I wrote notes to the people who lifeguarded me to thank them for their watchful eyes, but then I didn’t have the strength to deliver them until yesterday afternoon, my only outing, on the way to the pool with Matt.

Ah well, learn something every day. I’m going to have a nap this morning and swim with Matt this afternoon.

Once a day is enough.