What day is it?

I’ve been losing blogs, but not this many. I’ll see if I can find any…

Well, yesterday I kept an appointment with Hearing Life. It’s too long a history to go into now. So far, I HATE my hearing aids.

The good news is that I was downtown and I crossed the street to go into the shops at College and Bayview, to get my money’s worth out of the cab I took to my appointment. I needed a blank, pretty hasti-note to write a thank-you for the lovely birthday dinner I attended last Saturday. I found ONE, wiuth a dog on it—not my style, but the only oard availble. I have more to say about that, but not today.

I spent about two hours walking around an upscale grocery store offering dips and cheeses and salads and breads and meal kits for dinner at home, and pies, both sweet and savory, and stir-fries and pastas and different cuts of meats, roasted, braised,or barbecued, all very tempting and expensive, but i didn’t see anything I wanted to take home and eat. I bought a pound of salted butter and a focacciio garlic loaf and realized how tired I was as I stepped out into the street to look for a cab.

No cabs. That’s when I don’t iike not having a car or legs to carry me home.

I walked (staggered) about three blocks but finally sat down on a marble wall low enough to sit on and wondered where the taxis went. No, I do not have a cell-phone. I waved to the odd cab, just from my sitting position, but they were occupied. An old man approached me (I’m sure I’m older than he) and asked if I needed help. I said no…thank you. I think I had his space on the wall.

Finally, I waved at a cab on the inside lane far from my curb-side perch, but the driver saw me and I jerked my thumb to indicate that I needed to go east. So the cabbie nodded and a nice man came to help me but I was moving at a stately slow pace so he opened the cab door and said “Thanks, Bro” to the cabbie for waiting for me.

I arrived home and went to bed.

Naptime. Night-time now, actually.

BTW, there were half a dozen rmore photo albums, different sizes, all new, waiting in the Boutique for residents like me who don’t have cell phones wth cameras.

You know I’m not smart enough to handle a Smart phone. I’m not very ept.