cooking day

Matt is going to come for a swim and dinner for the next three days. I love to have him and I love to cook but I do get tired. So I cooked ahead a little this morning to prepare for him. Of course I make too much so I have some to give away.

The day is only half over.


But I was more than half done. By noon I had shot my bolt. (Remember crossbows. We’ve had this conversation.)

I made potato salad, coleslaw with vinegar, NOT mayonnaise, apple crisp, and I started a pasta sauce that takes a coup[e of days to complete.

But, you see, it worked. I fell asleep over thr laptop and woke when Mat knocked on my door. We had our swim and exercise and we sat on the balcony before dinner because everything was ready and all I had to do was grill the hamburgers.So I wasn’t exhausted when we sat down for dinner.

But now I just woke up from my doze on the sofa and I’s way past my bed time. It always is.

So I’m leaving you now.

You know what they say about tomorrow.