water, water, everywhere...

A leak in the pipe of my small bathroom—powder room is such a horrible expression—changed my night, and all the next day, therefore no blog.

I found a puddle of water on the floor at the door just before I served our Sunday dinner. I spread a small towel over it while I looked for the source of the water: no evidence on the ceiling or inside the cupboard ( no pipes there).

We ate dinner. I tidied the kitchen. I hung up the towel. Later that evening I replaced another towel on a fresh puddle, same place, before I went to bed, though not to sleep. More towels, less sleep.I progressed from hand towels to bath towels to bath sheets, our swimming pool giants, all hung on the shower rail in the other bathroom, and then filling the bathtub.. The puddle spread inside the little bathroom. I stopped trying to sleep between towel duty and just lay in bed thinking.

The pipe was under the sink in an open space beside the cupboard, but the space was not empty. I was looking at a big plastic basket that stored cleaning supplies and cloths all sitting in about two inches of water at the bottom of the basket. When the water had reached the the level of the basket’s ”woven” holes, it leaked out and spread and spread onto the floor. It was too heavy for me to lift. I dragged the sodden dripping towels to the other bathroom and dropped them into the bathtub. then I wiped the jars and cans and bottles of sprays and cleaning fluids and put them in a big plastic tote bag—too heavy for me to lift or carry far. I dragged it into the hall. It’s still there.

Too late to go back to bed. Too early to swim. Too tired to swim. I sat sipping old coffee and made lists. I waited until the weekday doorman came on duty at 8 a.m., gave him time to get settled before I went down to spoil his day.

I received sympathy and a prompt response.

I phoned my older son, John, who was with his wife at their camp/cottage/summer home/lake house (what do you call it where you are?) He told me where to find the shut-off valve was and to shut the water off. He was driving into the city later in the day, through a thunder storm as it turned out. Timing is everything.

The superintendant came before I got to the shutoff valve, so he stopped the leak.We had a chat. He told me to call the plumber attached to the apartment. You know what I mean. I don’t know who he’s related to, but he’s who we get.

Well, the day went on. I slept some more, very tired A neighbour came for tea and gave me a huge salad she said had gluten in it. She can’t eat gluten. She went home for dinner and I didn’t have any. I tried to have some leftover pizza but it was disaster. My computer friend and guru came to talk and brought me an ice cream bar. That was my dinner.

Well. here I am now, just tired. I have to do the laundry.


End of blog. Tomorrow the end of that blog, day before yesterday.

What would we do without tomorrow?

Or yesterday?