I’ll look…I think so.
Yesterday was over for me, and it’s only a little after midnight, but I think computers are more precise than I am. It’s not like me to be up and out of bed so soon after signing off, but my nap this afternoon was one and a half hours long because I didn’t set the alarm for my usual half hour but let the time pass. I guess I needed it, lazy as I am.
I never take a sleeping pill. I’ve had two sleeping pills in my life, each one ordered by a doctor. I fall asleep very quickly and don’t wake for five hours, at nature’s call—peculiar expression, a dainty euphemism!—unless I have something on my mind, a problem that needs solving, an issue that must be settled before I can let it go. After that, depending on what time I went to bed, I’ll sleep another two or three hours. I don’t think I have anything pressing on my mind. Indeed, my mind is pretty flat and unwrinkled these days.
My assigned list remains unwritten, but I’m thinking about it, in daytime hours. It’s expanding, in fact. It may end up being two columns or even three. We’ll see. I’m not going there yet.
I think I’ll go back to bed.
I’ve never written a bedtime blog before.