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paraprosodokian Figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected, frequently used in a humorous situation. e.g. “Where there’s a will, I want to be in it.”

And a sample pf an eponym (a word named after a person famous and infamous, real and fictional, well-known and obscure). roscian, adjective, of or related to acting. After Quintus Roscian Gallus (c. 126-62 B.C.), a Roman actor famous for his talent.

From Wordsmith (wsmith! Who knows if this url is still valid?

A few more, also from Wordsmith:

guttle, tp eat voraciously, to devour greedily. From gut, on the pattern of guzzle, from Middle English gut, from plural guttes (entrails) from Old English guttas.

quaggy, adjsectivek. marshy, flabby, spongy. The River Quaggy is a small river in London (UK).

fomites, plural noun, “Any inanimate object, such as a book, money, carpet, tinder, from fovere (to warm).

verecund, adjective, bashful, modest, from Latin, verecundus, from vereri, to respect. Ultimately from Indo-European root ver (to watch out for) that’s also the source of such words as revere, aware, award, wary, warden, lord, steward, wardrobe, panorama, and guard.c

chrestomathy, noun, 1. a volume of selected literary passages, usually by one author. 2, A selection of literary passages, especialy one for studying a language, from Greek chrestos (useful) + manthanein (to learn). Thees two parts of the word ultimately derive form Indo-Euroean gher (to iike or want) which gave us yearn. charisma, greedy, exhort, and mend (to learn) that resulted in the terms mathematics and polymath.

I could go on and on. I’ve opened a new, huge file folder. Apparently I signed on for a word-a-day through Wordsmith, back in 2005.

So I have lots more but I am tired and I bet you are, too.

More anon.