Let’s do Pet Peeves.
I’ve been watching a lot of Netflix and other things, as you know. and the bad grammar and the careless speech habits are getting to me.
e.g.. “the both of you”. Where did the come from? Both of you does just fine. Both is not a noun and must not be identified as such with an article (the)—not necessary. I’m sure both of us agree.
“not that big of a deal”. Again, this is not huge but it is so annoying, also redundant. I’s not t that big a deal to correct. Just omit of. Or say difficult,
And then there are the little connectors that help to make sense. Or else use a more accurate term.
oblivious to. You can say unaware of.
bored with. You can say tired of.
There are others but I can’t think of them now. i should have written them down as they occurred.
Now, this is a proper blog and not a damp page out of Bettyjane’s diary.
I’ll quit while I’m ahead.
I like the comment. Any more?