oh dear

I have cockroaches!

Or they have me. I found one in my kitchen about ten days ago, not even sure what it was. I looked them up on the net and sure enough.

Oh, dear.

I felt so insulted. It was my fault. I had started saving stale bread to make bread crusts for Matt (and me) to make breadcrumbs for meat loaf—open, not in a sealed container.

Oh dear.

I reported it and Professionals are coming in to deal with them. I have to empty the kitchen cupboards but must not take anything out of the kitchen. That’s going to be hard. There’s more space for stuff in the cupboards than there is on the kitchen counters. And I can’t reach anything above me—too dangerous for me, even a small ladder.

Oh dear.

More anon. I hope.

Yes, well—I didn’t mention Nine-Eleven.

We go on.