That doesn’t mean packing, though it does mean laundry.
I’m baking today, taking food (as well as wine) for our retreat.
I’ll be back. I hope…..
I never did get out of the kitchen. I did the laundry first. That always tires me. But then I made bran muffins, with craisins and walnuts. Then I was tired. I can’t remember what I had for lunch, probably a bran muffin.I fell asleep upright on the sofa waiting for something to burn-it didn’t. By the time I folded the laundry and put it away, I knew I couldn’t bake the Amish loaves until I’d had a real nap. I always, only, nap for half an hour. But I set the timer on me, and took a pain killer. This time I got it mixed up—the time and the time—for too long. I didn’t wake up for an hour. I guess I needed it.
So I got up and made lemon poppyseed loaves: four small ones and one big one.
Now I can think about getting ready to go. Almost. I have some stuff I have to use for dinner—and give i away? I don’ feel like eating. I’m having a glass of white wine; maybe that will give me an appetite.
I must start thinking about tomorrow. I’m taking you with me, that is, if you want to come.