Who knows? This is the one that led me into a short trip down Boutique Lane.ad actually it wasn’t a swap. I found a book in the Boutique and I took it. It’s a big one—750 pages—and unused, i.e. unread. It is “a compilation of the works of (Mary Frances) M.F.K. Fisher, first published in book form separately under the titles: Serve It Forth; Consider the Oyster; How to Cook a. Wolf; The Gastronomical Me; and An Alphabet for Gourmets.” I guess it was a gift, a bit daunting for the recipient to read, but thoughtfully placed in the Boutique for someone like me to keep and cherish and re-read, rather than in the apartment library with a relatively short shelf life before it would be sent to a book sale or/and destroyed.
I own several of M.F.’s other books and I have longed for these titles, but never felt justified at my present stage of life to buy them. So I am grateful and spending too much time after I should have gone to bed, reading and dipping and enjoying.
And this explanation has taken too much time, too.
I’m going to bed NOW.