Be sure to vote!
I just have to go downstairs to vote.. When I’m ready. I must write a real blog first.
Stay tuned. OR
Come back—like me. I have just come back and it’s still afternoon, although closer to late than early.
I bogged down this morning catching up with old files and messages on the computer—part of my file-collecting goal. After lunch I had my nap (only one today) and then I came all prepared to write a decent blog today. I picked up a file folder labelled BLOGS and spent two hours whizzing by some interesting articles, too few of which I threw out, feeling ruthless all the while.
I came across a list of words I had posted with their definitions, words from a Newfoundland dictionary compiled by a Newfie writer friend I used to see at Writers’ Union AGMs when we still met face to face—so, it’s a few years now since I’ve seen her. I hope she’s well. (I hope you are, too.) I can’t remember any of the words. I don’t expect you can either. But I’m glad they are there, preserved—for a while?
I found a review of a book, from a Times Literary Supplement (TLS) edition, July 14,2017: A Dictionary of Classical Greek Quotations, edited by Marinos Yeroulanos, a businessman dedicated to showing the extent and continuity of Greek culture. It is, the reviewer Peter Stothard acknowledges, a labour of love. And It’s dangerous in its appeal. There are fake statements attributed to familiar Greek names, tempting to quote. But there’ s always somebody still living who knows what’s fake. In the appendix of this book quotations about Greece and the Greeks come from Nelson Mandela, and Harold Macmillan, Thomas Jefferson and Tolstoy. At least you have heard of them. I have found myself quoted, also with no attribution, but nobody knows but me because no one has heard of me. That’s okay. My few words of quotable wisdom aren’t going to last two thousand years.
I wonder what will.