who'd have thought?

My son Matthew has left me after one and a half years together in lockdown (most of the time). He’s been double vaccinated and tested covid-negative so he can go home to a bubble with his room-mate. He left after less warning than people have received when evacuated from their homes during a wild fire emergency. On such short notice (from his brother) I thought Matt was coming for a weekend and planned his clothes accordingly. That was then. He had a lot more clothes and goods and chattels to return with.

Moving him was a lot of work, which I won’t go into now. It was very tiring and very time-consuming. Everything cuts into blog time.

After Bill died and after my children peeled off on their own, I lived alone for 40 years, so it was an adjustment learning to live with and do for another person—Matt takes a lot of doing for. I was in constant pain with my sciatica and very cranky. However, Matt trained me well and taught me more patience. Now he’s gone after a relatively short time together and learning again, and who’da thunk it?

I miss him.